Apana Vayu Mudra | AID Knowledge Center


Apana Vayu Mudra: The Mrit-Sanjeevni Mudra

Apana Vayu mudra is a therapeutic mudra, mainly helps in healing heart-related diseases. This mudra is also known as Mrit-Sanjeevni Mudra. But why we call it Mrit-Sanjeevni Mudra?

In RamayanaSanjeevni was a herb that revived Lord Laxmana from the unconsciousness. This herb snatched Lord Laxmana back from the grasp of death.

Similarly, Apana Vayu Mudra also snatches us back from the hold of death due to heart attack and other heart-related problems. Therefore we call it Mrit-Sanjeevni Mudra.

Now, we’ll see how does this mudra works.

You might know that every finger of our hands associated with some energy.

Thumb – Energy of Fire
Index Finger – Energy of Air
Middle Finger – Ether energy
Ring Finger – Earth (Grounding) energy
Little Finger – Water energy

According to Ayurveda, disbalance in these elements leads to disorders in our body. So, it is important to maintain the balance of these elements in the body.

Mainly disbalance in the earth, air, and fire element is responsible for heart-related disorders.

Apana Vayu mudra includes gesture of the thumb, middle finger, ring finger, and index finger. This mudra increases the earth element with the fire element and decreases the air element in the body.

This balance of element helps to clean the body and supply more oxygen to the heart. As a result, this increases the strength of our heart. We fold the index finger in this mudra which reduces the excess of air element in the body.

Thus, this mudra balances these three elements and gives relief from heart disorders and many other problems.

Now, you have plenty of information about Apana Vayu mudra, so lets know how to perform this mudra.

How to Do Apana Vayu Mudra

Apana Vayu mudra quite looks like a combination of Shunya mudra and Apana mudra. This mudra includes movement of the thumb, index finger, middle finger, and ring finger.

To perform this mudra, you need to join the tip of the thumb with the tip of the middle finger and ring finger. After that touch the tip of the index finger at the baseline of the thumb.

Now, let’s move towards the steps to perform this mudra.

Steps to Perform Apana Vayu Mudra

  • At first, sit in a yoga asana such as padmasana, sukhasana, or vajrasana. Make yourself relaxed. Be comfortable with the asana. You must get comfortable to perform any mudra properly.

Try to sit on a yoga mat. This will help you get comfortable and maintain balance.

  • Now, close your eyes, take a couple of deep breaths. This will regulate the flow of prana to your heart and mind.  This will help you in better relaxation.

This is the sitting posture that you need to maintain. Now, let’s see how to arrange fingers in this mudra.

Finger Arrangement in Apana Vayu Mudra

  • Firstly, join the tip of the middle finger and ring finger, with the tip of the thumb.
  • Secondly, bend the index finger towards the thumb and touch the base of the thumb with the tip of the index finger.
  • Leave the little (pinky) finger extended as much as possible.
  • Do the same arrangement with both hands simultaneously.
  • Now, without disturbing the finger arrangement, place both hands on your upper thighs.
  • Close your eyes and chant OM for better concentration. This will help you to feel your Chitta. Still, you can do this mudra with open eyes.
  • Now, try to remove all thoughts from your mind and focus on your breaths.

Time and Duration

The best time to perform any mudra is from 4 am to 6 am.

A fresh mind is always best for any yoga practice. In the morning time, our mind tends to be in the freshest state. Certainly, there is very little noise at this time of the day. This helps us to concentrate better and helps to relax the mind.

Thus morning time is the best time to perform this mudra.

If you are unable to do this exercise in the morning, still you can do it in the evening.

Research says, for the best results, we should perform a mudra for more than 20 minutes. In the case of Apana Vayu mudra, you should go for a 30-40 minute session. Still, it depends on you to do it in a single stretch of 30-40 minutes, or two-three stretches of 10-15 minutes.

Precautions to Take While Performing Apana Vayu Mudra

While performing this mudra, you need to take some precautions for better results. Let’s see what are they.

  • If you pose the Kapha constitution, perform this mudra moderately.
  • If you are wearing a watch or bracelet, remove it. Make yourself as light as possible.
  • Don’t wear too tight or too loose clothes. This might make you uncomfortable.
  • Try to perform it in a quiet place, to prevent disturbance and interruption.
  • Don’t force your fingers for any action. Touch them gently and lightly.
  • Benefits of Apana Vayu Mudra

    Apana Vayu Mudra has many benefits in our body, especially in cardiovascular health.

    • Prevents Heart Disorders
    • As mentioned earlier, Apana Vayu mudra is especially beneficial for heart disease. Here are some heart disorders that are cured by the practice of this mudra.

      1. Cures Shrinking of Heart Arteries

      When there is an excess of air element in the body, the walls of the arteries become thick and hard (arteriosclerosis). This shrinks the heart arteries. This mudra balances the excess of the air element. As a result, the walls of the arteries become normal. Thus, this mudra helps to cure the shrinking of heart arteries.

      Besides, Apana Vayu mudra clears the blockage in the heart arteries. Therefore it also cures fast heartbeats, chest pain, and irregular blood pressure. It is also helpful in curing heartburn.

      2. Beneficial in Reducing the Effect of Heart Attacks

      In the time of the heart attack, this mudra is supposed to have a quicker effect than a Sorbitrate tablet (a medicine used immediately after a heart attack).

      In case of a heart attack, it might take you a little time to eat the Sorbitrate tablet, but one can perform this mudra within 1-2 seconds. It reduces the damages of the heart attack and allows the victim to arrive hospital safely.

      Research says the regular practice of Apana Vayu Mudra keeps you away from heart attacks and strokes

      •  Reduces the Nervousness

      Many believed that the nervous system is made up of Earth and Ether elements. Apana Vayu mudra balances these elements in the body, thus, it soothes the nervous system. As a result, it reduces nervousness.

      Along with this, this mudra helps to relieve anxiety and negative emotions.

      • Improves Digestion

      Apana Vayu mudra reduces air element in the body. This results in the improved digestive fire within the body, which improves digestion in the body. Thus, this mudra helps to improve digestion.

      This mudra also includes the flow of earth and ether element. These elements are responsible for detoxifying the body. Thus, the regular practice of Apana Vayu mudra also helps in detoxifying the body.

      Also, this mudra cures the problem of gastric, eructation and bloating, which is caused by the excess of air element in the body.

      • Prevents Respiration-Related Problems.

      If you have respiration-related problems like difficulty in breathing while walking fast, running, climbing in stairs, suffocation problems, Apana Vayu mudra is like a boon for you. This mudra improves lung function, thus, helps to cure such problems.

      In conclusion, heart attacks and heart problems are not good signs. These signs are the result of our lifestyle and habits. These signs are an indication that you shout change your lifestyle and habits.

- AID Knowledge Center

Writer- Dr. Kusum Lata
Editor- Anshuman Bhatnagar

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