Pran Mudra

 Prana Mudra – Procedure, Best Time To Do, Benefits

Pran mudra is a symbolic hand and figure gesture that represents life force. It is believed performing this mudra stimulates your first (root) chakra and activates the flow of life force. 

Hatha Yoga explains dasha (10) prana, 5 out them are considered as varista (superior) prana.

They are prana, udana, samana, vyana and apana. These are the vital energy forces present in the body which have got specific functions. Ayurveda explains 5 types of vata dosha; pran vayu is one among them.

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Mahabhuta involved
  • Procedure
  • Functional factors
  • Benefits 

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This mudra involves three fingers- thumb, ring finger and little finger. This mudra is considered to be one of the important mudra because of its benefits. As the name itself suggests it enhances the vital energy within the body.

Mahabhuta involved Prithvi (earth), Jala (water), Agni (fire) are in balanced state as the tips of the fingers are joined.

Ring finger represents prithvi, little finger represents jala and thumb represents agni mahabhuta.

You may also see this mudra called pitta-naashak mudra or kapha kaarak mudra,many practitioners refer to it as the healing mudra.

Pran Mudra | LoveToKnow


The practitioner should sit in any comfortable posture with relaxed mind. The tips of thumb, ring finger and little finger are joined together keeping the remaining fingers straight, firm and relaxed, away from one another. There should be mild pressure between the joining fingers. 

This has to be practiced in both the hands. Concentrate on breathing pattern. The hands are to be kept over the knees.

Functional factors

Functional factors in mudra

The practitioner should have faith and belief in the therapy. This is the complimentary science which can be practiced hand in hand with other therapy.

Before practicing the mudra take some deep breathes and make sure the breathing pattern is rhythmic.

The body and mind should be relaxed and calm because relaxed state enhances the efficacy of mudra.

It has been found that meditation has increased the efficacy of mudra.

The best time for sadhana is early morning, still it can be practised anytime of the day and anywhere the practitioner feels comfortable.

There should be a gap of minimum 30 minutes after food; one should not practice immediately after food.

Increase the power of the mudra by chanting the Bija mantra "Om" (pronounced Oohhmm) which is the mantra for the first chakra.

If you are in a focused meditation, hold the mudra for 15 minutes or longer.

You can also visualize the color red, which is the first chakra color, as you hold the mudra.

Toning to the note C or C# simultaneously can also stimulate the root chakra and increase the effects of the mudra.

The timings should be gradually increased from day to day starting from 10 minutes per day.

This can be practised by any person irrespective of age, gender, during pregnancy, any diseased condition etc.


It makes body and mind stable.

It improves body strength.

It removes blockage in the channels by enhancing the proper movement of vital forces within the body.

It reduces muscular pain.

It builds self-confidence.

It is one of the mudra which enhances the efficacy of other chikitsa mudra; i.e. it has to be performed for minimum of 10 minutes after practising chikitsa mudra. More benefit can be attained by increasing the duration.

It removes fatigue.

It is the best mudra practised during fasting as it helps in relieving the debility; it helps to sustain and maintain energy level. Acharya Keshava a famous Yoga practitioner has claimed this benefitby regular practice.

It improves immunity.

It improves vision, beneficial in dryness of eye, watering of eyes, burning sensation in eyes, redness of eyes. Pran mudra is ideally practised for all types of eye problem.

It gives good result for insomnia when practised after jnana mudra.

It is beneficial in diabetes; it is to be performed after apana mudra.

This mudra is advised to be practised in joint pains after performing vayu mudra.

It helps in reducing the anxiety.

Our Pran Mudra Vlog of With Gyan Mudra 

- AID Knowledge Center

Writer- Dr. Kusum Lata
Editor- Anshuman Bhatnagar

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